The Quest for a "Successful" Life

Money, Power or Fame?

Good evening everybody,

With few exceptions, we all want the sense of having made it. That elusive contentment and satisfaction from good life choices

Imagine waking up each morning knowing we're living life on our terms.

That your day can go in any direction you wish.

For me, that would be spending all my time with family and friends.

But what's the best method to achieve this goal?

I see three main ways to achieve this end:

  1. Money (The Wall Street Method),

  2. Power (The D.C. Method)

  3. Fame (The LA Method)

Each route can offer you what you want, that dream life.

But which generates the biggest ‘bang for buck’ with the least fluff?

Money: The Universal Key

Money is a stored value you can transform into almost anything you can dream of.

Driven by capitalism and mathematics, the money method is straightforward: earn, save, invest, repeat.

Your bank balance doesn't care about your social media following or who you know (although both can help).

What's more, money is tangible.

You can measure, move, share, or pass it down.

Try doing that with Twitter followers or political influence.

Most importantly, it lets you build life on your terms with no need to maintain a public persona or engage in power struggles.

Fame: The Golden Cage

Fame glitters.

It promises adoration and the best chance of immortality through legacy.

But shiny objects attract crows.

Fame is built on shifting sands of fickle public opinion and is largely out of your control.

The core currency is public opinion.

Want privacy? Sorry, fame requires constant performance.

Your life becomes everyone's entertainment. The ancient Stoics warned us about this—seeking validation from others is a recipe for perpetual dissatisfaction.

Just look at any former Disney child star.

Power: The Double-Edged Sword

Power seems straightforward: control your environment, shape outcomes, and command respect. Machiavelli would approve.

But power is hungry—it demands constant nurturing through the bureaucratic networks of politics, and elites circles.

History's graveyard is full of those who thought they could master power without being mastered by it.

From Caesar to countless modern politicians, the story repeats: power corrupts, and maintaining it often requires selling pieces of your soul.

Walking this road you may find yourself falling into manipulation, compromising your values, and loosing why you initially set out.

Why Money Wins

Money stands alone as the cleanest path to success.

It doesn't require you to please crowds or dominate others.

It simply amplifies your ability to live authentically.

While fame and power chain you to others' expectations, money frees you to write your own story.

Think about it: What would you do if you had enough money to live entirely on your terms? Not to show off or control others, but to be truly, uncompromising yourself?

That's the real power of choosing the money path—it keeps you in the driver's seat of your own life.

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody.

Best regards,



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